The $2000.00 given to the Food Bank is unique in that we provided 80 twenty-five dollar grocery gift cards to purchase food at a local grocery store. In order to keep their distance Jackie Andrews on the left and Brian Dowling on the right accepted the cards on two miniature hockey sticks. The others in the backround are co-presidents Ed Davis on the left and Bob Wright with manager of the foodbank Fred Aleksandrowicz on the right. Chair of Centre Wellington Board of Directors, Jackie Andrews mentioned this program will have a very positive impact on the people coming into the Food Bank as it gives them a chance to go and purchase some food they like.
The Rotary Club of Fergus-Elora Cares
The Rotary Club of Fergus-Elora continues to support local Charities even during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The success of our annual cheese gift bag and Canada Day fundraisers allowed us to authorize $2000.00 to the Fergus Food Bank, $3000.00 to Big Brothers/ Big Sisters, $3000.00 to the Community Resource Centre, $4000.00 to KidsAbility, $1000.00 to Women in Crises,  and $1500.00 to On The Spot Productions "Snow White" Nov. 26 - 29.